Figures for cover, density, and perennial grass biomass for the Ongoing Vegetation Transects

Figures for cover, density, and perennial grass biomass values on 100 (out of 131) permanent long-term vegetation transects through the present are available below for download as Excel Workbook graphs (*xlsx). Details and notes about the figures are provided inside each file. Complete series of data can be accessed at Ongoing Vegetation Transect Data.

The file 'ltcovfiguresthru2024' available below for download includes the following spreadsheets:

  1. Cautions
  2. Long-term Cover Data
  3. Perennial Grass (native perennial grasses, introduced perennial grasses, and Lehmann lovegrass) Figures
  4. Mesquite Figures
  5. Burroweed Figures
  6. Cactus (cholla, prickly pear) Figures
  7. Woody (trees, shrubs, cacti) Figures

The file 'ltdenfiguresthru2024' available below for download includes the following spreadsheets:

  1. Cautions
  2. Long-term Density Data
  3. Perennial Grass (native perennial grasses, introduced perennial grasses, and Lehmann lovegrass) Figures
  4. Mesquite Figures
  5. Burroweed Figures
  6. Cactus (cholla, prickly pear) Figures
  7. Woody (trees, shrubs, cacti) Figures

The file 'ltmassfiguresthru2024'* available below for download contains the following spreadsheets:

  1. Cautions
  2. Long-term Mass Data
  3. Native Perennial Grass Figures
  4. Introduced Perennial Grass Figures
  5. Lehmann& lovegrass Figures

*In 2021, no basal diameter measurements were made because the extremely dry conditions in the summer of 2020 resulted in very little growth of perennial grasses, and many plants appeared to be dead in the winter and spring of 2021. Under these conditions, we could not be certain that basal diameter would represent biomass produced in the previous summer in the same manner as all the other years when measurements were made.