Data resources available for download and use include long-term measurements of precipitation, vegetation, livestock use, and experimental land use treatments, as well as repeat photography, and spatial data including maps and geographic information for coverages of soils, fences, roads, and study areas.
In addition, access to long-term and ongoing measurements is made available through URL links to databases managed by two partners, the USDA ARS Southwest Watershed Research Center and the National Ecological Observatory Network (NEON).
In 1995, we began digitizing paper records and scanning photographs with the goal of making those resources available on the Internet. In 2002 (McClaran et al. 2002), that goal was reached, and the returns have been enormous. The online access to data and data updates has attracted users from around the world and was a significant factor in attracting NEON to the SRER. Most important in all of this is that we have realized the promise of making data available to the people who funded its collection and use, the tax paying public. We are certain that this update and refresh of the Santa Rita website in 2022 will expand the reach, useability, and user base for these data resources.
This new website design provides an update in the presentation format and continues to provide this long-term data to users around the world.
Data users are requested to acknowledge their use of the database in publications, research proposals, websites, and other outlets by following the Instructions for Use, Citations, and Acknowledgement provided on this website.
McClaran, Mitchel P.; Angell, Deborah L.; Wissler, Craig. 2002. Santa Rita Experimental Range digital database: user’s guide. Gen. Tech. Rep. RMRS-GTR-100. Ogden, UT: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station. 13 p.

Instructions for Use, Citations, and Acknowledgment
Learn how to use, cite, and acknowledge the SRER database when using SRER data for your research.