This page provides access to the new Santa Rita Experimental Range (SRER) digital archive, the longest record of data available in the Southwest for long-term measurements of climate, vegetation change, livestock use, experimental land use treatments, and repeat photography.
Currently, the digital archive is divided into 13 main sections, listed below. Data users are requested to acknowledge their use of the database in publications, research proposals, websites, and other outlets by following the Instructions for Use, Citations, and Acknowledgement.
The following Update Log records the history of revisions made to the SRER digital archive.

Repeat Photography
Description of Repeat Photography Archive
Find Photos on a Map
UTM Coordinates of Photo Stations
Annual Repeat Photography in August
Examples of Vegetation Changes

Drone Imagery
Links to external drone imagery repositories from past research projects conducted on the SRER.

Precipitation Measurement Protocol
Precipitation Data Since 1922
Visualize and Explore SRER Precipitation Data
UTM Coordinates of Rain Stations
Name History of Rain Stations
Additional Resources

2003 Flora by Medina
Plant Species on Transects and August Photo Stations
August Photo Station Plant Species Composition
Flora Updates

Long-term Vegetation Transects
Plant Species on Transects
Ongoing Vegetation Transects
Exclosure Transects

Livestock Use
Current Grazing Schedule
Comparison of Planned Livestock Use and Actual Use Since 2006
Monthly Livestock Use by Pasture Since 1916
Grass Utilization by Livestock Since 2010
Grass Production by Pasture

Historical Research Project Archive
Introduction and Instructions for Using the Archive
Historical Research Digital Archive for the Santa Rita Experimental Range

National Ecological Observatory Network (NEON)
NEON Observational Sampling at SRER
NEON Automated Instruments at SRER
NEON Airborne Remote Sensing at SRER
Accessing NEON’s Spatial Data and Maps

USDA-ARS Ecosystem-Atmosphere Water and Carbon Exchange
Water and Carbon Exchange Study Background
Water and Carbon Exchange Graphs and Data
Other Water and Carbon Exchange External Resources

Additional Research Datasets
Links to external data repositories from ongoing and past research projects conducted on the SRER.