The following sections provide all information about the policies applied on the Santa Rita Experimental Range (SRER) and aimed at regulating:
- in field research and education activities,
- the use of SRER databases for publication,
- the use of Florida Station facilities.
Before starting their activities on the Santa Rita, all Users are asked to submit an application to the SRER Directory through the Range Use Application and provide a certificate of insurance as stated below.
Separate forms must be submitted in case of experiments involving drones or testing products as explained below.
While planning their activities on the Range, all visitors are finally encouraged to have a look at the Rules and Regulations and Safety Tips and check out the Hunting Season schedule at Visiting the SRER.
Further questions can be addressed to the SRER Directory.
Best practices are to contact the Range Manager to discuss your research and education goals and begin identifying if, where, and how they can be performed on the SRER. After that initial contact and discussion, begin preparing the Range Use Application to more precisely articulate the details of the proposed research or education activities.
The Range Use Application will be reviewed and approved by the Range Manager, Director for Research, Southern Arizona Experiment Station Director, and Arizona Experiment Station Director. Application cans be submitted at any time, but best practice is to begin the process months before the project start date.
All researchers and educators actively working at the SRER, including assistants and students, must also have a copy of the approved Range Use Application while on SRER.
The SRER website provides scientists with a vast catalog of Data for download including all long-term historical and biological databases that have been maintained since the SRER foundation.
Please visit Instruction for Use, Citations, and Acknowledgment for more information about the use of SRER data resources.
With permission, drones can be flown at the SRER to conduct research. Users are required to follow federal laws and Arizona drone regulations and agree to the Drone Use Policies. Use the Range Use Application form to request permission and include the details described in the Drone Use Policy that is available below for download.
There is NO special insurance requirement for researchers and students in the University of Arizona system and for representatives of public agencies.
Unless specifically waived, all other Users actively working at the SRER are required to provide proof of insurance.
The Certificate of Insurance must:
- include the following statements:
- "University of Arizona, Arizona Board of Regents, and State of Arizona are named as additional insured in respect to use of facilities at the Santa Rita Experimental Range and Florida Station (Santa Rita Experimental Range HQ) during the time period of this event (or events)."
- “Insurance provided by User shall be considered primary coverage”;
- specify: for commercial general liability insurance in a minimum single limit amount of $1,000,000 and $3,000,000 aggregate;
- specify the date(s) of coverage and the date(s) of the event(s). These dates may range from a single date to a period up to 12 months.
The User agrees to present a copy of the required Certificate of Insurance no later than 48 hours before the use starts, and it should be attached to the Range Use Application.
All researchers actively working at the SRER, including assistants and students, must also have a copy of the approved Range Use Application while on SRER.
User represents and warrants that intends to test or use the cultivars, seeds, chemical, or other agricultural devices, applications, and developments on the SRER must stipulate an agreement with the University of Arizona. Refer to the Range Use Application for more information about conditions and details of the agreement and for the description of the regulated products or Contact Us.