Before starting their activities on the Santa Rita Experimental Range (SRER), all researchers and instructors are required to submit and gain approval of the Range Use Application provided below and have a certificate of insurance complying with the SRER Policies.
While planning their activities, all visitors are also encouraged to refer to the Rules and Regulations, Safety Tips, and Maps, and to the Hunting Season schedule available at Visiting the SRER.
More information about the Florida Station (SRER HQ) facilities for lodging, meetings, storage, or workspace, are available below and at Visiting the SRER.
Best practices are to contact the Range Manager to discuss your research and education goals and begin identifying if, where, and how they can be performed on the SRER. After that initial contact and discussion, begin preparing the Range Use Application to more precisely articulate the details of the proposed research or education activities.
The Range Use Application will be reviewed and approved by the Range Manager, Director for Research, Southern Arizona Experiment Station Director, and Arizona Experiment Station Director. Applications can be submitted at any time, but best practice is to begin the process months before the project start date.
If you need to spend some nights on the SRER while doing your research, a bunkhouse, a cabin, a Lab, and an education center are available to researchers at the Florida Station, the SRER headquarters, upon reservation.
Learn more about visits, facilities, lodging information, and reservations at Visiting and on the Southern Arizona Experiment Station website.

Lodge at the Florida Station.