The database Plant Species on Transects and August Photo Stations available for download on the Flora page includes the list of all taxa identified doing measurements on the Ongoing Vegetation and Exclosure Transects at the SRER. The database includes also the plant species recorded on the August Repeat Photography plots. For each species, the inventory provides:
Scientific name, current synonyms, and code
Source (vegetation transect or photo station)
Presence or absence in Medina’s list
Presence or absence of specimens collected on the SRER and registered in the SEINet database
Botanical family
Life cycle and Life form category
A total of 87 plant species and 30 species grouped by genera have been found on the long-term transects in over 70 years. Perennial species dominate the list because researchers placed less emphasis on annual species, especially during measurements performed in winter and early spring. Tree, shrub, and grass identification is reliable during any season, although difficulties in distinguishing some species led to the lumping of species into a single generic group. The lumping of threeawn grass species into an Aristida group is the best example of this practice. This list does not represent a flora for the SRER because annual species were not always recorded, and the measurements of vegetation for the ecological studies were restricted to relatively small plots (for example, 1 foot by 100 feet). For the most recent and complete updates on the SRER flora see the Flora page.