2024 RISE Symposium Update

July 1, 2024

REGISTER for the 20th RISE SYMPOSIUM on 09 November 2024!

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The Program for the 20th Annual RISE Symposium is set and you can now register for the meeting and prepare posters to submit for presentation!

The deadline for submitting posters for consideration is 11 October 2024. Note: Space may be limited to 20 posters and decisions about acceptance will be made by 25 October 2024. 

See the program and register.

The 20th annual Research Insights in Semiarid Ecosystems (RISE) Symposium will be held Saturday, 09 November 2024, 8:30 AM to 3:30 PM on the University of Arizona campus.  The objectives of the symposium are to share recent results of research at the USDA-ARS Walnut Gulch Experimental Watershed (WGEW) and the University of Arizona Santa Rita Experimental Range (SRER), to encourage future research activities at the WGEW and the SRER, and to promote the WGEW and the SRER as outdoor scientific laboratories.
The Symposium will feature invited speakers presenting recent or on-going research on the WGEW, the SRER or other outdoor laboratories in the region. There is also a Student Poster competition with monetary awards. Speakers will include Dawn Browning from Jornada Experimental Range describing novel use of times series remotely sensed data to document vegetation changes, Ashlee Rowe describing Pain receptors in grasshopper mice as a model for human pain reception, Michelle Berry describing how words matter when discussing rangelands based on her new book “Cow Talk”, and Laura Norman describing how Natural infrastructure in drylands can regenerate wetlands.

Again, we are excepting donations to support the Symposium.  Please use this link to make donations  https://give.uafoundation.org/SantaRita-RISE

We will move to a larger meeting room in the Integrated Learning Center because we were very close to the 80-person capacity in room 230 Marley Building the last couple of years.  Room 150 in the Integrated Learning Center holds more than 100 people.

Here are details about the meeting:

20th annual Research Insights in Semiarid Ecosystems (RISE) Symposium
Saturday, 09 November 2024, 8:30 AM to 3:30 PM
University of Arizona, Integrated Learning Center room 150, Tucson, Arizona

Please use the web site http://www.tucson.ars.ag.gov/rise/ to view the RISE program, register for the symposium, submit poster abstracts and to enter the student poster contest, view talks and posters from past years.