The SRER Lab provides the baseline equipment for a variety of ecological research and monitoring projects including multiple binocular dissecting scopes, balance, drying oven, hot plate, beakers, sample fridge/ freezer, terrarium, hand lenses, hand probes, quadrants, and transect tapes. This space can also host a variety of specialized equipment needs for specific research projects. Locker space is provided for equipment and sample storage.
A stable high-speed Wi-Fi connection is available at the Lab. Moreover, a portable radio antenna capable of extending
Wi-Fi from the SRER HQ or Flux Towers is available by request. See Research Equipment and Lab Space for more information.
The lab also features a small classroom and office space.
Please review the SRER Policies and the Facilities Use Agreement for additional information.
All facility reservations can be made through the SRER Reservation Calendar.