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Santa Rita Experimental Range: 100 years (1903 to 2003) of accomplishments and contributions; conference proceedings; 2003 October 30 November 1; Tucson, AZ. Proc. RMRS-P-30. Ogden, UT: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station. 197 p.
(Approx. 2 MB)Download Individual Papers from RMRS-P-30
(Approx. 81 K)Invited Papers
Recognizing History in Range Ecology: 100 Years of Science and Management on the Santa Rita Experimental Range
(Approx. 310 K)
Nathan F. SayreA Century of Vegetation Change on the Santa Rita Experimental Range
(Approx. 315 K)
Mitchel P. McClaranRangeland Livestock Production: Developing the Concept of Sustainability on the Santa Rita Experimental Range
(Approx. 80 K)
George B. RuyleVegetation Management Practices: Past and Present
(Approx. 70 K)
Peter F. Ffolliott, Gerald J. Gottfried, William H. KruseWildlife Ecology and Management, Santa Rita Experimental Range (1903 to 2002)
(Approx. 65 K)
Paul R. Krausman, Michael L. MorrisonCultural Resources of the Santa Rita Experimental Range
(Approx. 95 K)
John H. MadsenRevegetation Practices on the Santa Rita Experimental Range
(Approx. 200 K)
Bruce D. Munda, Mark J. PaterHydrology and Soil Erosion
(Approx. 80 K)
Leonard J. Lane, Mary R. KidwellArchive and Laboratory Embedded in the Landscape: Future of the Santa Rita Experimental Range
(Approx. 65 K)
Thomas E. SheridanPoster Papers
Climate Variability and Plant Response at the Santa Rita Experimental Range, Arizona
(Approx. 45 K)
Michael A. Crimmins, Theresa M. Mau-CrimminsSpread of a Nonnative Grass Across Southern Arizona: Multiple Data Sources to Monitor Change
(Approx. 95 K)
Erika Geiger, Theresa Mau-Crimmins, Heather SchussmanMultitemporal MODIS-EVI Relationships With Precipitation and Temperature at the Santa Rita Experimental Range
(Approx. 50 K)
Jorry Z. U. Kaurivi, Alfredo R. Huete, Kamel DidanRole of Soil Texture on Mesquite Water Relations and Response to Summer Precipitation
(Approx. 65 K)
Alessandra Fravolini, Kevin R. Hultine, Dan F. Koepke, David G. WilliamsMesquite Removal and Mulching Treatment Impacts on Herbage Production and Selected Soil Chemical Properties
(Approx. 35 K)
Stacy Pease, Peter F. Ffolliott, Leonard F. DeBano, Gerald J. GottfriedGambel and Scaled Quail Diets on the Santa Rita Experimental Range
(Approx. 55 K)
Alvin L. MedinaHistorical and Recent Flora of the Santa Rita Experimental Range
(Approx. 65 K)
Alvin L. MedinaEffects of Neighbor Species and Distance on 2- and 4-Year Survival of Lehmann Lovegrass and Native Grasses
(Approx. 84 K)
Sharon H. Biedenbender, Mitchel P. McClaran, Bruce A. RoundyInternational Arid Lands Consortium: A Synopsis of Accomplishments
(Approx. 35 K)
Peter F. Ffolliott, Jeffrey O. Dawson, James T. Fisher, Itshack Moshe, Timothy E. Fulbright, W. Carter Johnson, Paul Verburg, Muhammad Shatanawi, Jim P. M. ChamieSoil and Ecological Sites of the Santa Rita Experimental Range
(Approx. 90 K)
Donald J. Breckenfeld, Daniel RobinettAssessment of Fire-Damaged Mesquite Trees 8 Years Following an Illegal Burn
(Approx. 40 K)
Gerald J. Gottfried, Peter F. Ffolliott, Pablo Garcia, Diego Valdez-Zamudio, Akram Al-KhouriSweet Resin Bush on the Santa Rita Experimental Range: An Eradication Effort
(Approx. 80 K)
Larry D. Howery, Bruce D. Munda, Dan G. Robinett, Harry H. BuckSpectral Reflectance and Soil Morphology Characteristics of Santa Rita Experimental Range Soils
(Approx. 130 K)
A. Karim Batchily, Donald F. Post, R. B. Bryant, Donald J. BreckenfeldCow Weights and Calf Production for Pasture 12-C Lehmann Lovegrass Grazing Trials, 1982 to 1993
(Approx. 135 K)
Phil R. Ogden, E. Lamar SmithSoil Temperature and Moisure Dynamics After Experimental Irrigation on Two Contrasting Soils on the Santa Rita Experimental Range: Implications for Mesquite Establishment
(Approx. 80 K)
Nathan B. English, David G. Williams, Jake F. WeltzinNew Data Sources and Derived Products for the SRER Digital Spatial Database
(Approx. 170 K)
Craig Wissler, Deborah AngellBack Cover
(Approx. 20 K)